Thursday, October 21, 2021

Day Twenty One- Creativity


                                  Creative  thinking inspires ideas. Ideas inspire change.”

Barbara Januszkiewicz

I’ve recently had a few changes to my normal routine. I’m not necessarily handling it well when it comes to my preferred healthy eating choices. 

Each week when I weigh in at WW my weight seems to fluctuate, and usually up. As I discussed my dilemma with my husband I realized I needed to make a change. Up until this point I had just tweaked what I’d always done, and I wasn’t having much success. 

What I was needing was new ideas that would inspire me to live the healthy life I really wanted. 

This is where creativity can come into play. Just making the list of 25 things I wrote about the other day might just be the way to kick start my healthy eating back into place, and provide the inspiration I need. 

Creativity is so much more than an art project, and can be used to solve everyday problems. 

Creative Activity

Choose a type of food you’ve never tried before. To me the produce aisle is the perfect place to start. I generally buy the same type of food each week, but by adding something new my creativity can be stretched. 

If you are not sure how to prepare the produce you choose head back to your friend Pinterest for some ideas.
I’m including a link today about the power of ideas:



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