Friday, October 29, 2021

Day Twenty Nine- Creativity

“Critical thinking and curiosity are the key to creativity.”
Amala Akkinen 

Critical thinking seems to be in short supply these days. We are quick to accept what we are told never bothering to question anything. 

Curiosity, which comes quite naturally to me, is not a given when it comes to some people. 
Creativity is something that flourishes with a curious mind, and critical thinking is often the key to problem solving. 

Make room for both in your life. 

Creative Activity

Go on a quest. 

This can tie into yesterday’s post about collections. Once my family went on a Pez quest, and in a matter of hours our collection had grown from none to way too many, and what were we thinking?

I have a dear friend who has made it a quest to visit each baseball stadium in the United States with her cousin. They always return with a ball representing the home team. 

Quests are just fun, and can require a little curiosity and critical thinking in figuring out the logistics needed to achieve your goal. 

My husband and I have made it a quest to visit as many of the Presidential Libraries as we can. We even have a Presidential passport that gets stamped 
after each visit. 

I’m including a link about a different kind of quest:


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