Sunday, May 19, 2024

Life Change Artist- Day 7

 The second skill of a Life Change Artist is Seeing“When we change the way we see, everything changes.”

Sometimes it’s necessary to step back to get a fresh perspective on a situation. One simple way to do this is to actually get out and about in the world. Take the time to engage with the outside world away from the confines of your home. 

A second strategy is paying attention to negative space. Negative space in the art world is the “space that surrounds the primary subject.”  In other words, start paying attention to the things in your life that are not the main things. Often times it’s easier to know what we don’t want as compared to what we actually want. Open your eyes to interests that you’ve tucked away, and forgotten about. 

The third strategy is turning the subject upside down. Because we naturally see things in the same way our perspective is limited. If we can allow ourselves to see things in a different way we might be surprised at the possibilities that abound. One way to do this is to create “a spirit of play and spontaneity. Remember back to the days of childhood, and what held your attention. Start paying attention again. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Life Change Artist-Day 6


The first of the 7 Critical Skills for a Life Change Artist is Preparation. This means, “ deliberately engaging in activities that help us break from our usual patterns of thought and feeling, and prepare us for creative insight.”

The key word in preparation is engage. We don’t have to look at this time as a way to find an instant solution to our creative dilemma. Rather it is a time to engage in creative triggering activities, as well as mind/body exercises. 

The primary purpose here is to depart from the familiar, and embark on experiences that veer from your normal day to day life. 

Remarkably these activities have been shown to change the brain. We can do this by changing our mind. Even in our golden years we still have the ability to make new brain cells. This is called neuroplasticity where we actually make new pathways in our brain. These new pathways can enhance our creative ability. 

Interestingly, it is the tension of the creative dilemma that is the catalyst for a change in course. Without it there would be no need to veer in a different direction. 

We all know that change can be difficult, and we can find ourselves reluctant to do so as we find safety in our current circumstances.  It is the deliberate act of preparation that can make all the difference. 

If you find yourself wavering, ask the question, “…how can I afford to continue to live the same way over and over again?” It is important to engage in these activities regularly to help create these new pathways. Commit to doing one new thing over a period of weeks. 

Listed below are areas of preparation along with examples to consider:

Spiritual-morning devotional

Musical-listening to 70’s music in the car

Cultural- visit an art exhibit

Water-Related- bath

Repetitive Movement-crotchet


Nature-gardening or hiking


Animal/pet-petting your cat

Altruistic-helping at a soup kitchen

For me I’ve stopped listening to the news on the way home from watching my grandsons. Instead, I’ve listened to 70’s music which has opened the floodgates of memories. Taking a break from the cares of the world has been energizing.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Life Change Artist- Day 5

 The final step after exploring and discovery is integration. The purpose of integration is to fulfill. 

“The integration dimension always moves us closer to personal wholeness, bringing us more in alignment with our values.”

 As we begin to explore all things new, and reflect on the discoveries we make we are now ready to integrate these ideas into our already existing life. 

Integration is not “an ending point,” as we will continue to explore, discover and integrate throughout our life in response to new creative dilemmas. 

This results in each one of us, “becoming more of who we were meant to be.”

Through integration we develop a greater sense of self-awareness. 

“The integration dimension is critical to the creative process because it builds our confidence to move through change in the future.”

Remaining open to possibilities is the key to navigating creative dilemmas.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Life Change Artist- Day 4


After exploration comes Discovery. The purpose of discovery is reflection and evaluation which happens through exploration. They both work together in tandem. “They are highly intertwined, working interdependently and synergistically.” 

You can’t have one without the other. As we explore new experiences we discover more about ourselves. These discoveries can spur more exploration as we continue on our journey. 

“In some sense we are always in transition, and therefore always exploring and discovering.”


  Questions to ask during this phase are more specific. How might this affect me financially? What is actually holding me back? How will this change affect my identity? Will I need a new set of skills? Where can I find  like-minded people to support this change? 

Take the time to reflect on your explorations, and discover something new about yourself. 

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Life Change Artist-Day 3

 The first step to addressing a creative dilemma is Exploration.

The purpose of exploration is to learn. Begin by paying attention to what naturally claims your attention. 

Exploration is accomplished by doing. It is action-oriented. Some ideas for exploration include “Read a book, take a course or workshop on a subject about which you have little understanding, but about which you may be curious.”

In order to do this we must get out of our everyday routine. “We need to commit to spending a significant portion of our time differently from how we have in the past.”

 As you explore consider your gifts, talents and passions. Make a concerted effort to take the steps necessary to include exploration in your day. This should be a time of adventure and enjoyment. Just try out a lot of things.”

Friday, May 10, 2024

Life Change Artist-Day 2

 The journey begins with a creative dilemma. The purpose of this dilemma is to disrupt. It gives you the opportunity to act or not act on some tension in your life. It revolves around the known and an unknown. 

“The question is- Do I embark on a journey of self-discovery or hold on to what is comfortable?”

This tension can involve many different aspects of your life:

Career and Work- often this tension is made apparent when our work is no longer satisfying.

A Cause or Calling- not everyone can identify this, but often after engaging in the next steps of exploring and discovery a calling rises to the surface. 

Relationships-this can involve all the different relationships in our lives. It’s not just an opportunity to dissolve a relationship, but a chance to strengthen a relationship. 

Place- since all aspects are affected by where we live this is an opportunity to reevaluate your existing community.

Spiritual Beliefs and Practices- tension can arise if our spiritual needs are not being met. 

Health and Well-being-  it is too easy to drift into bad habits, but the state of your health will affect all areas of your life. 

Lifestyle- do we continue to live the same kind of life or is it time for a change?

Learning and Creativity- whether we feel energized or stagnant may be determined by the level of new learning or creativity we include in our life. 

Mortality- when we stop to consider that our days may be numbered we may feel a greater sense of urgency to make a change. 

As Mandela and Jordan remind us, “Our creative dilemmas come in many forms. Whether and how we confront them shapes the trajectory  of our lives.”

 If we ignore these underlying dilemmas, and refuse to acknowledge them they may present in unhealthy ways both mentally and physically. 

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Becoming a Life Change Artist-Day 1

 Becoming a Life Change Artist-7 Creative Skills to Reinvent Yourself at Any Stage of Life written by Fred Mandela Ph.D. & Kathleen Jordan Ph.D is a how-to guide to living a truer, richer more creative life. 

Not only does it include the stories of people who have done just that, but it gives practical tips for doing so. What makes this book unique is that it includes the lives of famous artists who have applied these skills to their life and art. 

So if you are a lover of art, you will enjoy learning more about their lives, and how adversity was overcome using creativity as a starting point. 

I am beginning a series about the skills included in the book as a starting point for your own life-change. Although this book can apply to anyone, it primarily addresses the 3rd age of our life, and inspires us to live more fully. 

“This book invites us to rekindle the fire and to become ‘enthusiastic’

explorers…not searching for the meaning of life,” rather “…searching for the experience of being alive.”

This journey begins with a Creative Dilemma which is resolved through Exploring, Discovering and integrating. The 7 Creative Skills are Preparation, Seeing, Using Context, Embracing Uncertainty, Risk Taking, Discipline and Collaboration.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Chuck and I had a little get away to Destin a few days ago. My sister Jean  and our brother-in-law Dan invited us to spend a few days at their beach condo. We were also joined by our nephew Jacob.