Monday, May 13, 2024

Life Change Artist- Day 5

 The final step after exploring and discovery is integration. The purpose of integration is to fulfill. 

“The integration dimension always moves us closer to personal wholeness, bringing us more in alignment with our values.”

 As we begin to explore all things new, and reflect on the discoveries we make we are now ready to integrate these ideas into our already existing life. 

Integration is not “an ending point,” as we will continue to explore, discover and integrate throughout our life in response to new creative dilemmas. 

This results in each one of us, “becoming more of who we were meant to be.”

Through integration we develop a greater sense of self-awareness. 

“The integration dimension is critical to the creative process because it builds our confidence to move through change in the future.”

Remaining open to possibilities is the key to navigating creative dilemmas.

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