Sunday, May 19, 2024

Life Change Artist- Day 7

 The second skill of a Life Change Artist is Seeing. The way we view the world is pivotal to our creative success. “When we change the way we see, everything changes.”

Basically seeing entails learning how to discern the world in such a way that our perspectives offer fresh new possibilities. We begin to look with fresh eyes, and see things that others do not. 

We learn not to assume too quickly, and begin to look for multiple interpretations. We notice what is incomplete in a situation, and make connections resulting in a more creative life. 

“What we pay attention to shapes our destiny by defining our choices and the way we frame them.” 

The first step of seeing is looking at the world in a different way, and it can inevitably lead to creating the life you’ve longed for. 

The following strategies will help you to see the world, and your place in it differently:

Sometimes it’s necessary to step back to get a fresh perspective on a situation. One simple way to do this is to actually get out and about in the world. Take the time to engage with the outside world away from the confines of your home. Life becomes more interesting when you allow yourself a variety of experiences.

A second strategy is paying attention to negative space. Negative space in the art world is the “space that surrounds the primary subject.”  In other words, start paying attention to the things in your life that are not the main things. Open your eyes to even the simplest of things, and view them with a new perspective. You might be surprised what you find. 

The third strategy is turning the subject upside down. Because we naturally see things in the same way our perspective is limited. If we can allow ourselves to see things in a different way we might be surprised at the possibilities that abound. One way to do this is to create “a spirit of play and spontaneity. Remember back to the days of childhood, and what held your attention. How can you bring that childhood wonder back into your life?

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