Thursday, May 23, 2024

Life Change Artist- Day 9

The fourth skill of a Life Change Artist is Embracing Uncertainty. Given a choice most of us feel more comfortable with the known. However, the reality is that life rarely cooperates with this premise. 

“Like it or not, life is uncertain.”  In life we must learn to navigate these uncertainties. In fact, if we can learn to embrace uncertainty all the better. We need to become aware of the possibilities presented through change. 

Believe it or not uncertainly and change can be the perfect conduit for creativity. We need to refrain from searching for quick fixes, and allow enough time for opportunities to arise. We may not have all the information, but we shouldn’t allow that to hold us back. We need to be able to change directions midstream if needed. 

Stop trying to avoid uncertainty, and begin navigating through change. This all begins with your attitude. “…become a self-directed ‘seeker’ and find a new direction.”

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