Friday, May 10, 2024

Life Change Artist-Day 2

 The journey begins with a creative dilemma. The purpose of this dilemma is to disrupt. It gives you the opportunity to act or not act on some tension in your life. It revolves around the known and an unknown. 

“The question is- Do I embark on a journey of self-discovery or hold on to what is comfortable?”

This tension can involve many different aspects of your life:

Career and Work- often this tension is made apparent when our work is no longer satisfying.

A Cause or Calling- not everyone can identify this, but often after engaging in the next steps of exploring and discovery a calling rises to the surface. 

Relationships-this can involve all the different relationships in our lives. It’s not just an opportunity to dissolve a relationship, but a chance to strengthen a relationship. 

Place- since all aspects are affected by where we live this is an opportunity to reevaluate your existing community.

Spiritual Beliefs and Practices- tension can arise if our spiritual needs are not being met. 

Health and Well-being-  it is too easy to drift into bad habits, but the state of your health will affect all areas of your life. 

Lifestyle- do we continue to live the same kind of life or is it time for a change?

Learning and Creativity- whether we feel energized or stagnant may be determined by the level of new learning or creativity we include in our life. 

Mortality- when we stop to consider that our days may be numbered we may feel a greater sense of urgency to make a change. 

As Mandela and Jordan remind us, “Our creative dilemmas come in many forms. Whether and how we confront them shapes the trajectory  of our lives.”

 If we ignore these underlying dilemmas, and refuse to acknowledge them they may present in unhealthy ways both mentally and physically. 

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