Saturday, May 25, 2024

Life Change Artist-Day 10


The fifth skill of a Life Change Artist is Risk Taking. Whether we realize it or not we are always faced with taking risks in our lives. Some risks, like driving, for most of us have become a normal way of life. We really don’t give too much thought to them until we are faced with an anxious circumstance that might affect our comfort with being on the road. 

If we fail to address our creative dilemma than the risk we face is that of doing nothing, and “staying on the same path.” Although, at times this staying put seems safer, many times it really isn’t. Especially if we are not in a good place to begin with. 

“Risk taking means acting without certainty of outcome.” This clearly ties into the last skill of uncertainty. Remember the key was to embrace uncertainty. This is the same for risk taking. Embracing things like moving in a new direction, being confident even if others do not agree, and looking toward our mistakes as opportunities to grow and learn all work together in becoming better risk takers. 

The following categories of risk will confront the Life Change Artist:






For many of us the societal risk of worrying about what others think will really hold us back from even attempting a change. Of course, finances and relationships play a pivotal role in what we might consider changing.  The questions we may pose may also hold us back from even attempting. 

The important question to ask when considering not taking action is, “Is it worth it?” If you are completely honest with yourself, even making small changes toward the person you truly are will enhance the quality of your life. I believe that we do not have to totally upend our existing life to make ours better. Just being more in tune to what feeds your soul will make for a better life. 

For me digging deeper into my dependence on other people’s opinions has helped me to take risks in being more honest, true and vulnerable. “How important is it for us to meet others’ expectations of us vs listening to our inner voice singing?”

One activity to consider is to intentionally set a two-week plan of small risks. Choose things that are not life altering. Make a list, and reflect on the outcome of each, and what you learned about yourself from each. I found for myself even coming up with a list was challenging. The more you practice the more comfortable you can be with risk. 

Know in your heart that these moments of feeling uncomfortable in the long run will pay off. 

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