Monday, May 27, 2024

Day 12-Life Change Artist


The seventh and final skill of a Life Change Artist is Discipline. This perhaps is the hardest skill for some be cause it requires a consistency of action regardless of how motivated we might feel. 

For me discipline can be very difficult to begin, but oftentimes when I finally take that first step to begin I find my discipline to be easier than I anticipated. For some developing habits helps to maintain discipline. Finding a way of holding ourselves accountable is another way to enhance discipline.

Looking for ways to build enjoyable habits can make discipline not so daunting. In fact including self-renewing habits into our day will help to keep us motivated. Sometimes I forget about all the things I do that are positive, and spend too much time ruminating on where I have fallen short.

“Without ongoing self-renewal, we may run out of the personal energy that sustains our willpower.”

We are going to need that discipline to conquer our creative dilemmas. That first step of exploration is going to require effort on our part, and that effort requires the use of discipline. “Discipline is the skill of putting forth effort even when we don’t feel like it.”

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