Sunday, June 2, 2024


 A few weeks ago I decorated our back porch using things I already had around the house. One of those things was a hummingbird feeder I had picked up for Chuck last year, but had never used. 

After researching what to feed them I mixed up a concoction of one cup water to a quarter cup white sugar dissolved in boiling water. My feeder actually holds three cups of water and three quarter cups of sugar. 

Within minutes, not hours, as soon as the feeder was hung the hummingbirds arrived. To the best of our observations we have three hummingbirds who frequent our feeder. Two of them like to dive bomb each other. I’m wondering if we have two males and a female?

I must say I have gotten so much enjoyment out of watching their antics. When possible I like sitting out in the back porch watching them.  I can honestly say that they are quite delightful. I find myself regularly laughing at their acrobatics. 

More times than not I hear them before I see them. Their flapping wings make a very distinct sound. In addition they definitely have their own unique chirping sound. 

However, my cat Bluebonnet seems quite taken with them as well, and once knocked their feeder over. It was then that we shortened the cord it was hanging from. Interestingly, we did this by making a loop in the cord. The birds actually use the loop as a perch. I’ve watched one of the birds sit on the perch while letting the other one feed. I’m thinking that might be the male and the female. Meanwhile, when the two males arrive it’s a circa World War I dog fight!

One thing that I want to be aware of, though, is when to stop feeding them. Apparently if you leave the food source out too long they will not leave at the proper time for their migration. I want to make sure they have a successful flight south. 

I highly recommend if you want to bring a little joy into your life for less than ten dollars ( I got my feeder at Walmart.) pick up a hummingbird feeder!


  1. More fun than a barrel of monkeys! We love watching our birds every morning.
