Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Summer Bucket List


I’m not really a Bucket List kind of gal, but I do know that ever since I retired fifteen years ago, summer has pretty much been about the same as every other season, except for the heat. 

For years as a child, teenager, and teacher I would look forward to summer as an opportunity to take a break from school, and kick back a little bit. Now that there is no real break for me, summer doesn’t seem quite as special. 

The other day a friend of my daughter’s posted a fun Bucket List for her son to do over the next few months. They had written it on butcher paper, and posted it on the wall.

It got me to thinking and inspired me to come up with my own Summer Bucket List. I knew I wanted to keep it simple and realistic. Having just returned from the beach, I knew the chances of hanging out again on the white sands of Destin probably wasn’t going to happen. 

So I tried to think of some fun ideas that I knew I’d probably be able to do pretty easily.  Keeping it simple certainly sounded appealing. If you like some of my ideas maybe you a make your own Summer Bucket List. Let me know some of your ideas!


30 minutes per day reading fiction

☑️Enjoy a popsicle 

☑️Visit a Farmers’ Market

Visit the Stephenville Library

Paint a picture

Blow bubbles with the grandkids 

☑️Make s’mores

☑️Watch a sunrise

☑️Do a puzzle

Make homemade ice cream

Take a day trip

Buy fresh flowers

☑️ Treat myself to homemade lemonade

☑️ Try a new Sumer nail polish color

☑️Paint rocks

Visit a museum

Attend an outdoor concert 

Do a photoshoot 

☑️Visit a new coffee shop

☑️ Get a snow cone

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