Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Your Brain


I was listening to a new to me podcast called House of Joy by Dr.Edie Wadsworth. I highly recommend it if you want some uplifting, inspirational food for thought. 

In a recent episode she taught that our brains naturally seek pleasure, avoid pain, and conserve energy. After hearing this I felt so much better about myself. All this time I’ve been beating myself up for not “being all that I could be,” when actually it was all pretty normal. 

That being said, I can’t help but remember a word of advice I received from one of my favorite authors, Gretchen Rubin, in response to an e-mail I sent her. I was trying to make excuses for not doing something on the pretense that it wasn’t something I enjoyed. She reminded me of the paradox of “accepting ourselves, and yet requiring more of our selves.”  In other words sometimes you just have to step up. 

It might not be pleasurable, it might be painful, and it might use up a whole lot of energy, but at the same time it also might just be the right thing to do.

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