Monday, June 3, 2024

Back Porch Makeover


Earlier this spring I began thinking about redoing our back porch. Although, we have lived here almost three years I had never really done much with the back porch. In fact, I spent most of my outdoor time on the front porch, and had added a nice patio dining table last spring which we have really enjoyed. 

I began looking on Pinterest and Instagram for ideas. That’s when the decorating anxiety kicked in. Should I spend the money and replace the well-loved existing patio furniture? What kind of rug would look nice? How about those outdoor lights that seem to make a place look magical? What kinds of plants?

So as time went by I did what I usually do, and put it in the back of my mind reasoning, “ Why do today, what you can put off to tomorrow.”

Except one day I just bit the bullet and took action. I asked Chuck and my eight year old grandson if they could repair the leg of one of the existing wicker chairs. You know, the ones we’ve had for years that had a nose sized hole in the wicker compliments of a Black Mouth Cur? I had already invested in some new cushions last year from Big Lots. Now they had a somewhat tropical feel to them and didn’t quite align with my Instagram influencers neutral tones vibes, but I liked them. 

Then I moved a rod ironed plant stand, and an artificial fern from the front porch to the back. I had a small tin planter with a plastic plant from IKEA that I had used at our apartment in Las Colinas. I added a painted rock that Chuck had painted, and my existing small glass table looked perfect. 

I added a small garden art snail compliments of a friend, and a yard flag. I did need to purchase a stand for it, though. Along with the stand I bought another small, green artificial plant and added it to an existing ceramic planter. I placed that on the IKEA table we had also used in our apartment. 

I decided against a rug because out in the country we get a lot of rain and wind, and the water has a tendency to pool on the porch. We then added a hummingbird feeder, and life has been good ever since. If you haven’t had a chance you might want to read the prior posting about our hummingbirds. 

I can’t get over how inviting this back porch has become by basically using what I had. Chuck and I are spending many a morning out their drinking our coffee and watching the hummingbirds. Some mornings when I get up early I like to sit out there and enjoy the cooler morning weather. It’s a perfect spot to read, and hang out with Cooper and Bluebonnet. 

Now you may be wondering why I chose fake plants as opposed to the real deal. Basically the ease involved. No watering required, and they give off the ambiance of green plants. A friend of mine was telling me about some pretty realistic flowers that you can buy for your porch on Amazon if you want a pop of color. 

Now I know some of you are decorating warriors, and designing a back porch is like a duck taking to water. However, for some of us we may need to dip our toes in the water before diving in. I encourage you to start with what you already have, and start enjoying spending time there. 

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