Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Make Small Changes

Make small changes. 

Inspiration can happen in the strangest places. For me it was the restroom at Trader Joe's where I came across a wall hanging that caught my eye. 

It got me to thinking about how sometimes we can become overwhelmed with change in our life, and just opt to not change anything. When the truth is that small changes can really add up. 

I used to devour fiction like chocolate, but noticed over the last few years that my taste tended more toward nonfiction. Although, I was still reading, it saddened me that I had given up my beloved novels. I found that my attention seemed to waver easily, and unless the story really grabbed my attention I would quickly lose interest. 

I attributed some of this to the fact that I had read hundreds of books over the years, and so many of them felt so familiar. Despite this I still believed there was a value to the genre, and did not want to give up on fiction. I made a small change that seems to be working well. 

I made the decision to read one fiction book a month. That would result in twelve books that I probably wouldn't have read before. Now twelve is not an astronomical amount, but it is worlds ahead of none. Twelve times more, to be exact. I'm finding that giving myself the entire month  to finish is quite reasonable, and I primarily read before drifting off to sleep at night. 

Setting realistic, manageable goals will ultimately lead to more success. My sister and her friend are agreeing to meet three times a week at a local gym. They too have had success with keeping their changes small. Just like in weight loss, one pound becomes two, and two becomes three. Before you realize it your pants are beginning to feel a little lose around your middle. 

Step by step, making small changes really can change your world. 

"Small acts change the world."

Trader Joe's


  1. I decided to sit on the other side of the piano while I teach. It may be the answer to nagging neck pain.

    1. Sounds like a plan. Sometimes that's all it takes.
