Thursday, October 12, 2017

Change Your Vantage Point

Change your vantage point. 

I missed out on something pretty special the other day because I wasn't paying attention. Not only was I not paying attention, I did not consider for a moment to keep my eyes open for the surprise that came about. 

Chuck and I had finished eating lunch at a small town restaurant known for its mean chicken fried steak. As he was waiting in line to pay the bill, I slipped out and sat down on a bench where I immediately plugged into my i phone. I sat there for at least five minutes paying no attention to anything, but the small screen in front of me. 

When Chuck walked out he mentioned the kitty, who apparently had been sitting under the bench next to me the whole time. I was completely disappointed that I had not spent the last five minutes loving on the adorable feline right beside my feet. It never once occurred to me that there would even be a cat sitting under a bench, as my city girl bias was clearly showing. Furthermore, I was so intent on checking my social media, that I never once looked up or under to see what treasures might be right before me. 

My vantage point was well honed to not really pay close attention, and I completely missed out on the sweet little creature beside me. I remember once taking an art appreciation class in college where our assignment was to look at the world through the eyes of only being an inch tall. It completely changed how I viewed what had been commonplace up until then. I really had to pay attention. 

The allure of my phone and i pad should not be at the cost of missing out. There was a time when people watching was a favorite pass time. I'm hoping I've learned my lesson, and will change my habit of distraction. Changing your vantage point could make all the difference in how you view the world. 

"I've been a big fan always of getting my camera in different places and trying to seek the unusual vantage point."
Joe McNally


  1. It is easy to miss what's going on around us because we're distracted by something else. I think changing our vantage point could help us all at times.

    1. I was attending a Bible study at a local church and was entering from a different side of the building for the first time the other day. I entered the parking lot and was so busy looking for a parking spot closer to the building that I completely overlooked the pumpkin patch to my right. When I returned to my car I saw the pumpkin patch clearly, and thought, oh no I've done it again. When did that pumpkin patch get here? I'm still learning.
