Sunday, October 28, 2018



"The simplicity of something is the fact that it is not complicated and can be understood or done easily."

I fell in love with the Voluntary Simplicity movement of the 90's. I loved the idea of leading a simpler life, not losing sight of what really mattered. We had just escaped the Yuppie mentality of the 80's where reaching the magic number of $30,000 got you a membership in the American Express Club. 

As I read about those who were exiting the madness of being busy twenty-four seven, and  trying to keep up with the Joneses,  I couldn't help but admire those who embraced this new philosophy. I can't say that my life changed much besides purchasing several really cool books about the movement. Of course, as I reflect back on it I had always chosen a simpler path in my life. 

Perhaps, this was due to not being overly materialistic, and being content with less. It may also stem from giving time a high priority. Even as a teenager, when given the choice between time to do what I enjoyed or working to make extra money for more clothes, time always won out. The siren call of a new outfit never trumped a library book. 

Today I see many people rushing from one activity to the next. There seems to be very little down time just to rest. I've always tried to maintain a type of balance in my life, and it seems to partner well with my personality. I think simplicity as a virtue can be embraced to some degree by all. 

I know that some really thrive on an on-the go type of life, and I've learned that "different strokes for different folks" really is true. However, what I am proposing is inviting a little more simplicity into your life, and see how it influences your perspective. 

"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated."

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