Monday, October 15, 2018



"What makes one person unique from another."

Each one of us comes with our own unique set of gifts, talents and abilities that allows us to contribute toward others. 

Unfortunately, sometimes we lose sight of our own individuality, and try to be more like others. What ever happens to be trendy at the time seems to set the standard for all. 

As children we are often blissfully unaware of our differences. We go about our day living very true to ourselves. I see this in my grandson as each day I'm learning more and more about his unique personality.

In my own life I remember how adolescence seemed to steal away my uniqueness as I desperately tried to fit in. I found myself constantly comparing myself to others to judge where I fit.  Being like "everyone" else seemed to bring me a sense of security. 

What I've enjoyed about being older, though, is an appreciation of being an individual. I find myself dressing the way I like, doing the things that I find interesting, and expressing myself in my own unique way. 

I don't try to be like everyone else, and I no longer make excuses to myself for being different. I value individuality more in others, and am inspired by those who are true to themselves. 

In pursuing this virtue we need to once again draw our attention to young children who seem to possess a freedom to just be themselves. They can certainly teach us a thing or two as we remember back to our own childhoods. 

"No one should part with their individuality and become that of another."
William Ellery Channing

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