Thursday, October 18, 2018



"Arranged or disposed in a neat, tidy manner or in a regular sequence."

As I look at my bedroom dresser I can't say that it is the picture of orderliness, but I do see the value of order in my life. I function better in a less cluttered area, but unlike order guru Marie Kondo I sometimes allow clutter to take hold. 

Why would orderliness be considered a virtue? I know for some creative types order seems to interfere with their creative process. I think this virtue has more to do with temperament. 

There are practical reasons for being orderly. Being able to locate things quickly, paying your bills on time or not having to invest in belated birthday cards are all ways that orderliness can work toward our advantage. 

I know for me it's difficult to function at my best when my surroundings are disorderly. My natural inclination is to start tidying up. However, I think that this is an individual decision as to what works best for you. 

However, if you are determined to embrace a more ordered life there are plenty of resources available to help you achieve this virtue. Sometimes, just starting with a small area can help motivate you to continue on. 

In my kitchen there is a small space next to the refrigerator that holds the accumulation of mail that I don't always want to address at the moment. Although, I've read about only handling your mail once when it arrives, I can't say I've been able to master that level of orderliness. 

However, I do make a point about once a week to go through everything, and whittle the pile down to a more manageable amount. Luckily, since it is kind of out of the way my kitchen still has a nice, orderly look to it. 

This may or may not be a virtue you aspire to have, and so I may just have to acquiesce to the old adage, "Live and let live," when it comes to this one. 

"Order is heaven's first law."
Alexander Pope

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