Wednesday, October 3, 2018



"Sympathetic concern for the suffering or misfortune of others."

Many years ago Chuck and I took a spiritual gift's inventory, and after comparing the results we realized that we had both scored very low on compassion. We still laugh about it today, but after Chuck's heart surgery a few years ago I was actually quite pleased with my ability to step up to the plate of compassion. 

I truly believe if we only teach our children one thing in life it must be compassion. Jesus, himself, taught us the Golden Rule to "love others as we love ourselves." I am convinced that the inability to love ourselves gets in the way of loving others. 

Watching children show compassion to both people and animals is priceless and warms the heart,  but I think it must be taught. We can't take it for granted that it will just evolve in their character. 

Of course, children learn what they live. As they watch the adults around them modeling compassion they will follow suit. This can also work with adult children as well. 

As my father's health declined, and he required more care I always hoped that my faithful example was being witnessed by my daughter. Compassion is one of those things that will always find its place when given a chance. 

The beauty, though, of compassion is that it doesn't always require large feats. Sometimes something as simple as a smile can be all that someone needs. I have found that our own personal suffering allows us to show compassion to just that right person. 

If you have walked in their shoes, and have come out the other side then you can be the hope that someone might desperately need. For me the death of my mother, my single years during my twenties, and my father's dementia were all opportunities for me to depend on the compassion of others. 

Now I see that although compassion might not have been my strongest spiritual gift, God always finds a way to let us share our experiences with others who are hurting. Compassion is a good thing. 

"The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others."
Albert Schweitzer

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