Thursday, October 4, 2018



"Controlled by or done according to one's inner sense of what is right."

As a child of the sixties I grew up being influenced by a little cricket who helped out a wooden puppet who wanted to be a boy, and the infamous angel and devil that sat on my shoulder. 

Although, this might sound silly today these were all examples of right and wrong, something that was taught regularly to children of our day. There seemed to be very little gray in our young minds back then. 

Of course, part of growing up is realizing that not everything is black and white. However, I can't help but think that in today's world we might need a visit from that wise little cricket. Conscientiousness doesn't seem to be a virtue that is held in high regard. 

Each day as we turn on the news we might find ourselves wanting to turn it off, as we witness the slippery slope of truth telling. As I promised I don't want to make this too preachy, but I think we do our children a disservice if we fail to help them understand that feeling we get when we know we are doing something wrong. Jiminy Cricket called it our conscience. 

Of course, just like Pinocchio we may choose to disregard that little voice, but I've found learning to listen to it really is the better way. Allowing your sense of right and wrong to guide you might help to avoid circumstances that in the end are hurtful to not only yourself, but to others. 

It's not a bad idea to stop and think about your actions daily, and whether they align with the person you aspire to be. 

"Let you conscience be your guide,"
Jiminy Cricket

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