Thursday, October 11, 2018



"The quality of being kind and generous."

When I think of this virtue my best friend Kim comes to mind. She has displayed these qualities as long as I have known her, and we met back in high school when we were just fifteen years old. 

Not only is Kim generous with her gift giving, more importantly she is generous with her time. After my mother unexpectedly passed away my first year to teach, Kim was there to offer her listening ear, and support to me during the hardest time of my life. I don't know how I would have made it through without her.

Teaching our children to be kind, and to reach out to others is something that can be "caught more than taught." As our children view our actions, and how we interact with others they are learning this valuable trait. 

I wish I could say that generosity is something that always comes easily to me. I have to remind myself sometimes to think about others, and not to focus too much on just myself. 

Sometimes being generous can feel like a sacrifice, but ironically the pay off in the end usually outweighs any inconvenience we might have allowed to get in the way. Watching children being generous is one of the sweetest things ever, and definitely should be encouraged in their young lives. 

One way to do this is to teach children to put a portion of their money into some kind of charitable giving. Teaching them to share their blessings with the less fortunate makes for a "cheerful giver."

"In a time of domestic crisis men of goodwill and generosity should be able to unite regardless of party or politics."
John F. Kennedy

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