Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Book Club Dilemma

The book club dilemma. 

I've always loved to read and a book club sounded just perfect to me. After I retired from full- time teaching I attempted two different book clubs. Unfortunately, my book club experience just wasn't that great. 

You see I have a problem reading a book that I don't particularly like, and I've gotten really picky about fiction over the years. I remember once agonizing through a book club pick. It was probably the worst book I had ever read, but I was determined to finish it before our next meeting. 

As it turned out I had to miss the meeting. It was kind of like watching American Idol the entire season and then missing the finale. Now to be honest every now and then I did come across a book that I really enjoyed, and probably wouldn't have known about if it hadn't been for the book club. 

So now I'm torn about what to do. Should I continue reading books that I enjoy on my own or try again with a new book club? I think I would enjoy the social aspect of meeting to discuss the books with other people, though. And thus the dilemma. 


  1. I would say keep an open mind, as you said, you have come across books you might not have otherwise known about. Also is there a chance you might get to select the book sometimes?

    1. I think you have a good point Lynda. I do need to keep an open mind, and you are right about me possibly recommending a book. Thanks for reading and commenting.

  2. Book clubs have never lasted long for me. They seem to disband in a short time. I like the idea of having friends who challenge my reading choices but I am also not always into every choice.

  3. I had a co-worker who was a book lover as well. It was always fun to hear about what she was reading.
