Monday, May 30, 2016

Make It Count

Make it count. 

We all know that we won't live forever, but when another one of your high school classmates passes away, you start staring down your own mortality. It's interesting how differently you view your age depending on your age. 

In your early twenties you have a tendency to waste your age because you don't really appreciate it. You think you have all the time in the world, and sometimes you put off really major milestones thinking that age doesn't matter. 

In your thirties and forties you are too busy to give your age too much notice, except for when you look in the mirror. As you approach fifty you realize for the first time that your age might be getting in the way of things you might want to do. Regardless of whether you really want another child or not, it's not going to happen. Your skin is not returning to the taunt mess of your youth. You may have even been passed over for that promotion by a much younger co-worker. 

But even at this age you convince yourself that you might have another thirty or forty years left on this earth. And of course you naively envision these as really good years. You keep seeing yourself as that one in a million blowing everyone away as you fiercely dance the tango as a ninety year old. 

Now before you get too depressed, that is not my intention. Actually, I hope you view your mortality more pragmatically. You know it's coming, just not exactly when. Don't waste it. Don't sit around feeling sorry for yourself. Make each day count!

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