Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Coffee Spoons

Coffee spoons. 

T.S. Elliott's words from the poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock are, "I have measured my days out in coffee spoons."  

What struck me about these words was the idea of a life being so small that it was measured in tiny amounts each day. Even the ordinary act of drinking coffee is simple and unspectacular until Starbucks comes along and elevates it to a whole new level. 

I don't want my days measured in coffee spoons. I don't want to limit my dreams. Recently an acquaintance posted about her big dream; something larger than she dared imagine. But she took that leap of faith, and her dream became a reality. 

What I gained from her experience was that if we constantly hold back, only allowing our days to be measured in coffee spoons, we may never know what we are truly capable of achieving. 

1 comment:

  1. How are my days measured? You have me thinking now.
