Thursday, May 26, 2016

Exuberance vs Efficiency

Exuberance vs efficiency. 

I remember once feeding some seagulls in Longbeach, Mississippi. As they circled above my head I kept throwing Doritos high into the air. The gulls would swoop in closely to snatch a chip, never once actually making contact with me. I remember laughing uncontrollably as it was one of the most exuberant moments of my life. The experience was so completely freeing, and the act of being totally present in the moment allowed for sheer delight. 

I can't say that I have had many of those moments in my life. On the other hand I can attest to many moments of efficiency. It seems to be in my nature to want to systemitize each and every task. I look for ways to quickly complete a task in a short, precise manner. It doesn't take long for my system to become a routine. It is all very efficient. 

In reading Goal-Free Living by Stephen M. Shapiro he writes about life being directed by a compass and not a map. "Maps can be useful. They help us get from point A to point B as directly, and as efficiently as possible. But life is not about efficiency.  It is about exuberance. You can't map out passion." 

The definition of exuberance is, "the quality of being full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness. What a wonderful way to spend your days. Rather than striving for total efficiency allow yourself to be exuberant. 

1 comment:

  1. I can't image your throwing Doritos and that bird catching them. It would have made a great video but then you would not have been in the moment.
