Monday, January 2, 2023

The Chicken Coop

You know the old adage, “Which came first? The chicken or the egg? Well at this point in our lives it really doesn’t matter? 

We ask questions like, “How many eggs did we get today?” or “Did Romeo (our rooster) attack Chuck again?”

Considering Romeo’s bad behavior he’s a pretty lucky rooster that despite having to hold him at bay with a fly swatter Chuck built him a chicken coop that in the chicken world rivals the Taj Mahal. 

Chuck spent the last two weeks building a chicken coop from “scratch.” And for you non-chicken folks scratch is something you feed a chicken. So there is a little play on words here. 
After watching several You Tube videos Chuck made a trip to the local lumberyard, McCoy’s, with a sketch in hand of the proposed coop. The manager who helped Chuck was very impressed with the detail included in his drawing. 

When Chuck returned home he got started on the project, only to find that he was missing a couple of needed boards. Little did he realize that he would be making a few more trips back to McCoy’s and Tractor Supply. You see Chuck was not relying on a pre-made blueprint, he was actually “winging” it a little bit. Did you get that? “Winging it, since they are chickens you know!

Now unlike the postman sadly Chuck was forced to quit building when we were hit with subpar temperatures. However, as soon as the temperature warmed up he got right back to work. Also, remember he was working around the holiday schedule. So that slowed him down a little. 

When he was finally ready to move the chickens into their new home, I couldn’t have been any more prouder of the amazing job he did. The chickens quality of life has certainly improved. They have a lot more room to roam, and a nice comfy place to lay their eggs, and roost for the night. 

The first two nights they were in their new home, we had to coax them up the ramp since they really weren’t quite sure what to do. However, last night when we went to check on them they were all tucked away safely for the night all on their own. These chickens are no “bird brains,” and we are very grateful for the eggs they provide for our family. 

We thank them quite often for the job they do. Now if we could only get that dang rooster to stop attacking Chuck!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! Chuck is quite the architect. ❤️
