Monday, January 16, 2017

The Question

The question. 

Marie Kondo states, "The  question of what you want to own is actually the question of how you want to live your life." 

I love this! Do you want to be the curator of your many possessions or do you want the freedom and less encumbered life of owning less? Caring for your possessions can become your life's work. Spending your hard earned dollars on storage takes away from your ability to spend your money on experiences. 

My first year out of college I was still living at home as I was only teaching half-day and could not afford to move out on my own. That next summer I ended up moving back to Denton to begin my graduate work. It was an easy move to make, because my possessions were few. 

Several summers later I contemplated continuing my graduate work in Colorado. The program sounded so enticing, but I was already tied to a lease and owned several pieces of furniture by then. That dream faded as the reality of being tied down to my responsibilities and possessions hit home. 

Several months ago after Chuck and I decluttered our home we found that we enjoyed it more. Each room had been stripped of unnecessary furniture resulting in a less cluttered feel. Our closets were no longer over-stuffed. It was such a freeing experience. 

The life we want to live today is not determined so much by our possessions. The Joneses are no longer our neighbors. When you think about the kind of life you want to live consider how your possessions could help or hinder that dream? In the end be more discriminating about what you choose to allow into your life. 

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