Thursday, January 12, 2017



We returned home the other day to find the pool pump making a horrible noise. My husband was quick to turn it off, and was able to do a few on-the-spot repairs. He knew the pool was in need of water, but found the faucet and hose to be frozen. 

As you know being a home owner requires staying on top of any maintenance issues that come along the way. This is one of the contributing factors to our desire to live a simpler life. Sometimes it's as simple as a squawking smoke alarm, and other times it's a cold shower on New Year's Eve leaving you with crossed fingers that you can find a repairman in a timely fashion. 

Just like the many possessions you acquire in your home, the responsibilities of home ownership is a job in itself. It's interesting, though, how that job becomes less and less appealing when you reach a certain age. 

So we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed about the pool because the pipes seem content to stay frozen. 

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