Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Just Begin

Just begin. 

Stephen Covey advises to, "Begin with the end in mind." This is excellent advice and will probably keep you on track, except like everything in life there rarely is a one-size fits all solution. In fact sometimes not knowing exactly where you are going might actually end in being a deterrent to starting. 

When I started writing this blog two years ago I really had no idea what direction it would take. All I knew for sure was that it seemed to be an idea that I could not let go of. I had always written, but only in a personal sense. Writing for me had been a way of processing my thoughts, and I had never seriously considered using it to express myself to the world. 

If I had waited until I knew the exact direction of the blog I probably would still be waiting today. Sometimes you just have to take that leap of faith and trust that things will work out. Of course, that may not actually be how you imagined it, but along the way you will grow and learn the lessons made available to you. In fact, you might even find yourself struggling, but that is okay as well because rarely in life are things accomplished without struggle. 

So today I encourage you to just begin that something that has been tugging at your heart. Begin with small uncertain steps and with some trepidation, but that is okay. Happy 2nd Anniversary Grace Found Daily. I can't wait to see what comes next. 

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