Monday, January 30, 2017



"Fortune favors the bold," is a Latin proverb and has been a motto of the military throughout history. I happened upon this quote while listening to the radio the other day. 

I've written about boldness before, and I must admit I have had a few moments of boldness in my life, but unfortunately not enough. Boldness is "a willingness to take risk, show confidence and courageousness." In our hesitancy, according to Wayne Gretzky "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

Every time you choose not to live boldly you may be missing out on the fortune that opportunity might provide. I can't help but think back on the times my lack of confidence has held me back from doing something. What earth shaking consequences might have resulted from not taking the risk?

Living in the fear of getting it wrong, offending others, or embarrassing yourself might make for an unchallenged life, but have you really lived your life to the fullest? 

Live with boldness and perhaps you will reap the fortune it might bring. 

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