Monday, April 9, 2018

The Best

The best. 

I'm happy to say that I'm finding a little more time to read lately now that the house is taking shape. I have even had a chance to get my new library card, which I must say is the prettiest library card I've ever owned!

I came across something the other day in my reading that I took to heart. Author Matthew Kelly wrote, "If you want to be good at something study the best."

When you study something it generally requires time and effort. I've been guilty of wanting to take the fast track when it comes to improvement. I like to do things quickly, and don't often put in the work that is required to really master something. 

I had not really thought about studying the habits of someone considered an expert to improve my abilities. Not ever having been an athlete I was unfamiliar with this strategy that seems commonplace in the sports world. 

However, it makes perfect sense to try to emulate those who have come before you who have mastered something you are interested in learning. Of course, you still have to account for your own uniqueness, but looking towards others as a mentor sounds like a good idea to me. 

Interestingly the context of Kelly's writing was  in looking toward Jesus as to how we should treat others, and live our lives with true purpose. I'd say you couldn't go wrong with His example. 

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