Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Alexa, Clean the Bathroom

"Alexa, clean the bathroom."

Our new Lennar home is a certified Smart Home.  Now to be honest I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing. What I do know is that in a couple of weeks Amazon is coming out to get us all set up, and will be bring us Alexa. 

Now recently in the news I've heard some creepy things about Alexa mysteriously laughing in people's homes. You know what they say, "Laughter is good medicine," so how bad can that be?  I'm a little concerned with all the talk about Face Book and Google breaches of privacy that there might be a possibility of a direct link to the White House. I can imagine Trump sitting there checking in on the American people in his spare time via Amazon. 

I've been told you can give voice directions to Alexa about things like music, lights, and temperature controls, and she will adjust them for you. I'm hoping my Alexa will be able to clean the bathroom or wash the dishes. 

I'm not sure if we are getting that model or not, but a girl can always hope!

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