Thursday, April 19, 2018



I was reading the paper yesterday morning about a woman on Southwest Airlines who was killed in a freak accident. Apparently an engine failure caused the window next to her seat to break, and she was nearly sucked out of the plane, and was hit by debris which resulted in her death. 

I couldn't help, but think of the randomness of the entire thing. Did she choose her seat ahead of time when ordering her ticket? Did she think her self lucky that she was able to locate a seat by the window as she boarded? Or was she just the next person in line, and that was the available seat?

Whenever something like this happens to only one person it makes me wonder if it was just their time? That morning when she woke up she probably figured she'd be cooking dinner for her children that night.  Flying is relatively safe, although pretty much anything has some risk involved. That said, I don't think we can live our life in a panic about what might happen. If that was the case, we would probably never get out of bed in the morning. 

I think for me, what this tragic occurence meant was that you just never know what might happen, and that none of us is actually guaranteed tomorrow. Because of that I think we have the obligation to try to make today valuable. Now that doesn't mean every day will be a Disney vacation, and that is okay. Rather, making sure to stop and smell the roses, taking the time to express our love to our family and friends, and to laugh, and discover something new will make every day of our life better. 

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