Monday, January 4, 2016


Sugar. I've been thinking a lot about sugar lately. It's hard not to, when it seems to be at every turn during the Christmas season. Most of the time I have little difficulty controlling my sugar consumption. In fact, I really seem to prefer the saltier type snacks. But coming off Christmas I find myself sneak eating the Hershey Kisses. What I'm learning is that sugar really does have an addictive quality to it. It seems the more you eat, the more you want. And although, I can't imagine not indulging in sweets every now and then, I'm struggling to say no. I've found for me I do better to just step away from the sweets. I can't really handle eating them in moderation when I'm craving them. I really do feel better when I'm consciously making healthy food choices, and the new year seems to be the perfect motivation to get on track. How are you handling sugar this time of year?


  1. Wow! We are on the same wave length. No sugar treats for the last three days and I already see a difference in my finger joints. Great idea.

    1. Interesting. I was noticing my rings were tighter on my fingers. I wonder if sugar was the culprit?
