Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Ambition Revisited

Ambition Revisited. 

My friend Gabriele, a fellow blogger, made a comment on my blog the other day. She stated, "I am not very ambitious in the things that others value. But I am for the passions I enjoy."

I found these words to be a better way of describing ambition. Although, I don't consider myself ambitious in the eyes of the world, I am ambitious when it comes to the things I love and enjoy. 

I'm always pursuing the next thing. There are not enough hours in the day to accomplish the things I want to do. The stack of books next to my bed begging to be read is far more than the hours in a day will allow. 

The words that flow from somewhere deep inside need to be written. The ever growing collection of art supplies need to be utilized. There is always something new and wonderful to be learned. 

Perhaps I was too quick to deny my ambition, until it was framed in a different way. Maybe, I am actually very ambitious. 


  1. That is why I enjoy your posts. They show tour varied interests and thirst for thinking through ideas. On top of that you act on so many of them.
