Friday, January 1, 2016

A Creative Life

"A creative life," says Elizabeth Gilbert, author of  Big Magic," is an amplified life. It's a bigger life, a happier life, an expanded life, and a hell of a lot more interesting life." How often in your life have you held back?  How often have you allowed conventions and expectations to set the pace? How often has the word "should" reigned supreme? Have the words "Oh, I could never do that, wear that, or be that person," ever been spoken? But why?  Why do we allow the world around us to determine what is best for us?  Why do we limit ourselves?  What would happen if we allowed more creativity back into our lives?  According to Gilbert our lives would be amplified. The definition of amplified is to make larger, greater, or stronger; to enlarge or extend. I have been guilty many times of living too small a life. I have been guilty of holding back, fearful of the unknown, and too concerned about what others think. As I contemplate a larger life, the possibilities abound. What I do know is that time is limited. Each day I keep myself small and confined I use up some of my time. All the best intentions in the world cannot overcome this inevitable truth. This new year brings with it a fresh start, a clean slate. Why not make your mark on an amplified life?

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