Friday, January 29, 2016



Chris Hogan, retirement expert, writes in Retired Inspired, "Fear doesn't create energy, and it doesn't really cause lasting change." 

How often has fear stopped you dead in your tracks unable to move? The body's way of dealing with fear is two-fold; fight or flight. This is not a bad thing when faced with a grizzly 

bear and deciding the best course of action for survival. However, most things that cause 
fear in our lives are not life or death matters. 

For some of us, though, it is easier to retreat than to stand up and fight for what is best. The energy we need to push forward is squelched in our mad dash to get away from what frightens us. Refusing to act doesn't lead to the change that may be needed in our life to move on. 

So what to do about this fear? First remember that most changes in life begin with baby steps, so don't be discouraged if you don't become a super hero over night. Secondly, as I referenced in my posting Bold, having a support system in place sure helps; kind of like your own personal army. For me it helps to know that I don't have to handle everything alone. 

As situations arise, I want to have the energy to do what needs to be done, and not be held back by fear. 

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