Tuesday, January 12, 2016



Do you consider yourself ambitious? 

The definition of ambition is: a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work. 

I wonder if ambition is guided more by nature than by nurture? I've studied quite a bit about temperament, and I think that ambition comes more naturally to some than to others. I've accomplished a lot in my life, but I can't say it was because of ambition. 

I think I was guided more by a sense of duty and obligation. Now I believe that I have exhibited determination and hard work, but I don't think the strong desire part of the definition really fits me. 

I was talking to someone the other day, and she remarked about how the older she became, the less ambitious she found herself. I couldn't help but wonder if some of that past ambition was due more to the expectations of society? 

My generation was told that not only could we do it all, we would do it all, regardless of whether we wanted to or not. I certainly appreciate all the opportunities that were made available for achievement in my life, but I also have to once again fall back on the words of The Bard,himself, 

"To thine own self be true."

Are you comfortable with ambition?


  1. I have been reading your posts tonight. Thanks for writing. I am not very ambitious in the things that others value. But, I am for the passions I enjoy.

    1. What a great way to look at it. Ambition being the strong desire to follow your passions. I've written my entire life, but only in the confines of my journal. Writing in a more public forum has allowed me to interact with others, and I have taken great pleasure in that. Thanks for taking the time to read my posts. I've enjoyed following along with yours.
