Saturday, January 30, 2016

Grace Found Daily

Grace Found Daily 

Today is the one year anniversary of my blog. I had wanted to start a blog several years ago, but didn't really know how. However, more than that I could never quite settle on the right name. I felt the name would set the direction of the blog. 

On my first posting last January I wrote that I didn't know exactly which direction it would go,
 only that I knew I just needed to start. 

It didn't take long before the blog began taking on a shape of its own. It was as if it knew what needed to be said. The words seemed to flow from my heart. I began to look at the world through new and different eyes. 

Thank you for being there through the ups and downs, and allowing me to gush over my precious little grandson. What a blessing you and this blog has been to me. Those of you who are faithful readers, and take the time to respond have meant the world to me. 

I have reconnected with a former junior high friend, made a completely new blogger friend, and look forward to what this next year will bring. My hope is that you have found encouragement and inspiration in your own life through my blog, and I hope you will continue on this journey with me in 2016.

Friday, January 29, 2016



Chris Hogan, retirement expert, writes in Retired Inspired, "Fear doesn't create energy, and it doesn't really cause lasting change." 

How often has fear stopped you dead in your tracks unable to move? The body's way of dealing with fear is two-fold; fight or flight. This is not a bad thing when faced with a grizzly 

bear and deciding the best course of action for survival. However, most things that cause 
fear in our lives are not life or death matters. 

For some of us, though, it is easier to retreat than to stand up and fight for what is best. The energy we need to push forward is squelched in our mad dash to get away from what frightens us. Refusing to act doesn't lead to the change that may be needed in our life to move on. 

So what to do about this fear? First remember that most changes in life begin with baby steps, so don't be discouraged if you don't become a super hero over night. Secondly, as I referenced in my posting Bold, having a support system in place sure helps; kind of like your own personal army. For me it helps to know that I don't have to handle everything alone. 

As situations arise, I want to have the energy to do what needs to be done, and not be held back by fear. 

Thursday, January 28, 2016



Novelist Paul Theroux writes, "I cannot make my days longer so I strive to make them better." 

To strive means to make great efforts to achieve or obtain something. In life people strive for different things. Some strive for fame, some for money, and some even for philanthropy. If I am going to put great effort into something, I want to make a difference. 

I used to strive to feel important, but one day realized that being important wasn't really what mattered. Rather, it was doing something of importance that provided the greater value. 

If I strive to make my days better, I hope I do something of importance. I'm learning that we are all given different gifts to share with the world. Not all of us will be considered important to the world, or will achieve fame, but all of us can strive to make our limited days on this earth better. 

Not just for ourselves, but more importantly for others. 

What do you strive for?

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Ambition Revisited

Ambition Revisited. 

My friend Gabriele, a fellow blogger, made a comment on my blog the other day. She stated, "I am not very ambitious in the things that others value. But I am for the passions I enjoy."

I found these words to be a better way of describing ambition. Although, I don't consider myself ambitious in the eyes of the world, I am ambitious when it comes to the things I love and enjoy. 

I'm always pursuing the next thing. There are not enough hours in the day to accomplish the things I want to do. The stack of books next to my bed begging to be read is far more than the hours in a day will allow. 

The words that flow from somewhere deep inside need to be written. The ever growing collection of art supplies need to be utilized. There is always something new and wonderful to be learned. 

Perhaps I was too quick to deny my ambition, until it was framed in a different way. Maybe, I am actually very ambitious. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Unexpected Surprises

Unexpected surprises. 

One of the things I love about Texas are those beautiful days in January when you get a little reprieve from winter. With temperatures in the 60's and the sun shining it does my heart good to be out and about. I don't know about you, but I function much better with sunlight, and can't imagine living where it is cold and grey for months on end. 

I was reading something the other day about not having your day so planned that there was no room for unexpected surprises. I found as I went through my day I was more open to recognizing these events and enjoying them. 

Life gets so busy and sometimes we lose sight of these small, simple things right before our eyes that can bring such joy. As you go about your day today look for your unexpected surprises. 

Monday, January 25, 2016



Poet Robert Frost writes, "Freedom lies in being bold." 

The definition of bold is the ability to take risks, and to be confident and courageous. But, it is the synonyms of bold that I really love; daring, brave, valiant, fearless, and dauntless. Wouldn't it be awesome if we could face all circumstances with such resolve? 

One thing I have learned, though, is that it is easier to be bold if you are not standing alone. If your faith is strong, and you are willing to accept the support and help of others you can call yourself bold. 

This is when freedom occurs, because you are no longer held down by the actions of others. I do believe we are called to treat others as we ourselves would wish to be treated, but when we step into boldness we are free to express and act upon our truer self.

When you find yourself feeling less than courageous, reach out to others and begin living a valiant life.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Face Time

Face Time. Oh, the wonders of technology! I remember when I was a little girl we would dream about the future when we could actually be able to see the person we were talking to on the phone. Well the future is now, and I get to see my grandson quite regularly even though he lives several hours away. Of course he continues to be adorable and wowing us with his every move. Although, I can't wait to see him again in person, getting to check in on Face Time is the next best thing. However, I must admit that my Face Time self doesn't appear to be too photogenic!

Thursday, January 21, 2016



"It is the nature of thought to find its way into action," are the words of writer Christian Neville Bovee. I found this curious, because for me this doesn't tend to be true. In fact, I am quite content to just remain in the thought process. It requires no action, and I can ruminate over each thought for days, weeks, months or even years. 

It takes very much of a conscious effort to move into the action phase. Although, I can't think of many times over the years that I ever regretted taking action. Most of the time I profited greatly. I think for some of us, though, we are more hard-wired to want to live in our head. But  we shouldn't use this as an excuse to hold us back from an action that would benefit us. 

I think I'll use this as a reminder when I get too caught up in my thoughts, and make the choice to move forward. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Art is Art

Art is art. 

"There is no wrong or right with art- art is art."

I'm reading a really fun book entitled Color Me Creative. It is the work of Instagram sensation and artist Kristina Webb. These are her words, and I found them to be inspiring. Kristina is a truly gifted artist, and showed great promise from early on, however, she felt restrained by the confines of her art education. Too many rules and regulations led to her frustration. 

I can relate to this a little. I remember taking an art class in junior high school and making a B. I had made an A in all my other courses, but this one B kept me off the A Honor Roll. I never once took an art class again through high school. I don't really think it was my lack of effort that resulted in the B, it probably was more a lack of natural ability. The sad part, though, was that I really loved art, and found satisfaction in being an "artist." 

Unfortunately, my need to strive for perfection in my school career got in the way of my love for art. I took several art classes in college, and even considered a career in interior design, but once again my lack of confidence in my drawing ability held me back. 

I only wish I had an art teacher like my friend, Laverne, who encourages the artist in all her students. How lucky those children are to be seen this way in her eyes. She remembers that, "Art is art."

Tuesday, January 19, 2016



I read a quotation the other day by philosopher, John Locke that really resonated with me. He wrote, "What worries you masters you."

How could five words pack such a punch? 

If you are not a worrier by nature, then count your blessings. If you can go through life care free then how lucky you are. For some, though, worry seems to be a default switch, that consciously needs to be turned off. 

However, Locke's words are true, because your worries will guide your steps, determine your actions or more importantly lack of actions. Your worries will grow horns and haunt you day or night. However, not to lose hope, you do have control over whether you want to be a servant to this master. 

I used to worry a lot in my twenties when my life was not following the preconceived path I had assumed it would. I find myself worrying now about the future of my dad and step- mother. But the reality is that I do not own a crystal ball, and have no idea of what tomorrow might bring. 

What I do know, though, is that I will not get a refund on the time I loose to worry. So today, I choose not to worry and place my trust in a power infinitely greater than myself. 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Along the Way

Along the way. 

Sometimes we get too wrapped up in the end results, and forget to appreciate the journey. There is satisfaction in reaching a goal, but it may take an extended period of time to get there. 

It's easy to lose motivation because you haven't reached that final destination yet. However, I was thinking about how we ought to revel in the steps taken along the way, instead. You may not be at your goal weight right now, but if you are changing your eating patterns then there is success in that. If you are paying off debt one at a time, then celebrate the progress you are making. You have probably done a better job managing your money, and are changing your spending habits. 

For me, I've realized that for some goals there really isn't a finish line. Somethings will be ongoing, and will always require my attention. Living more in the present allows me to find satisfaction in the steps I've already taken along the way, instead of always looking toward some imagined future. 

I have to remind myself of this, but I think it is worth heeding. 

Friday, January 15, 2016



"You can't pour from an empty cup."

I thought about how true this is when it comes to creativity. If you are not filling your heart, mind, and soul it is hard to remain creative. Wracking my brain to come up with the next post is counter productive. However, when I read a great book, watch a movie or just observe life, I find my ideas and creativity abound. Inspiration can come from the least expected places if I'm open to receiving it.

Your creativity may not manifest in writing, but we all possess creative potential.
The point is that you must continue to fill your cup in order to pour out your creativity upon the world. Then you will be able to quench its thirst for only what you have to offer.

What is the saying? 
"My cup runneth over."

Thursday, January 14, 2016



First Attempt At Learning. 

What a unique way to look at failing, especially where children are concerned. The first time you attempt something new, there is a high chance that you are going to fail. 

Most of us are uncomfortable with failure, and find ways not to experience it. I suppose some of this is based on past reactions from parents and teachers when we were children. If failure had just been regarded as our first attempt we might have been more eager to try new things. 

I've written quite a bit about failure, and how I am reluctant to try new things, however, I'm adopting this phrase as my mantra. First attempt will lead to a second, third or whatever is necessary. 

It also takes away from the idea that failure is the end of something, rather than the beginning.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016



"If you're defending your habits, you are not ready to change them." 

This caught my attention the other day, as this is the time of year that we often take stock of our habits, and begin to question them. We sort through the things we do, and may find ourselves defending our actions.

Even though, we know they may not actually be worth defending. 

Why would we do that? Maybe, because it's just too difficult to face the facts 
that our habits might be hurting us more than helping.

Put those habits on the table, and stop clinging to them. Stop rushing to their defense. When you are defensive, you stop listening. You stop being open to what others have to say. 

If there is something you are wanting to change, be open to trying out a new habit. Sometimes just the novelty of the new, might be the catalyst to the change you are seeking.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016



Do you consider yourself ambitious? 

The definition of ambition is: a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work. 

I wonder if ambition is guided more by nature than by nurture? I've studied quite a bit about temperament, and I think that ambition comes more naturally to some than to others. I've accomplished a lot in my life, but I can't say it was because of ambition. 

I think I was guided more by a sense of duty and obligation. Now I believe that I have exhibited determination and hard work, but I don't think the strong desire part of the definition really fits me. 

I was talking to someone the other day, and she remarked about how the older she became, the less ambitious she found herself. I couldn't help but wonder if some of that past ambition was due more to the expectations of society? 

My generation was told that not only could we do it all, we would do it all, regardless of whether we wanted to or not. I certainly appreciate all the opportunities that were made available for achievement in my life, but I also have to once again fall back on the words of The Bard,himself, 

"To thine own self be true."

Are you comfortable with ambition?

Monday, January 11, 2016

Sweet Cat

Sweet Cat.

I feel like our resident cat may have gotten some bad press from me in the past.

She actually can be very sweet when it suits her. As I'm writing this she has tucked herself in the crook of my arm and is contentedly purring away.

Although, Cooper has definitely won my heart, Abby comes in a close second around here. One thing I can say about a cat is they sure do contribute to your relaxation. She seems most at home in either mine or my husband's lap. 

Cooper has learned to step away and snuggle next to my hip, rather than cross her.  I just thought I might give a little shout out to all the cat lovers in the world, while Abby was in a good mood, and not about to bite me.

It's a cat's prerogative you know!

Friday, January 8, 2016



At first glance determination sounds like a good thing. 

Its definition includes words like decided, settled, and resolved. Although, determination is not always an easy thing, it does seem to have its rewards. But what if giving up or changing direction were the better route? 

Sometimes we stick with something because we've always done it that way, or because we're embarrassed that others might view us a failure if we change course.

Determination has been given a starring role in achievement, but perhaps having the resolve to rethink or reevaluate a situation might be a better way. 

As I looked for a motivational quote about determination, I found my thoughts changing when I checked out its definition.

I don't want to let determination get in the way of changing my mind, and heading in a different direction if need be. 

Thursday, January 7, 2016



I've noticed that tiny houses and tiny living seem to be all the rage today. 

You see this in the possessions they own and the limited carbon footprint they are making. I watched a fascinating video the other day about a woman who could fit her entire trash for the last two years in a pint size Mason jar.

Now if you've been following me over the last year, you know I have made a concerted effort to pare down the amount of possessions I own. However, I can honestly say that possessions must mean too much too to me to be considered a minimalist. Along with all the sentimental stuff, I enjoy decorating my home, adding to my library, tackling new art projects, and enjoying the space my home offers. 

I guess for me it boils down to a more balanced life. I've never been real extreme in how I live my life, although I am fascinated by others like the girl in the video who are fully committed to their lifestyle.

I know I'll probably make a trip or two this next year to drop off donations at a local charity, but I just can't imagine doing away with it all. 

How about you?

Wednesday, January 6, 2016



What drives you?

Elizabeth Gilbert in her latest book, Big Magic, writes "...about living a life that is driven more strongly by curiosity than by fear." 

I couldn't help but see the correlation between her words, and those of Emily P. Freeman, author of A Million Little Ways, who writes about the job of Opinion Manager.

"The artists who struggle the most are the ones who are obsessed with how their work is received. This becomes their full time job and one day they discover they're no longer making art because their profession as an Opinion Manager takes up all their time."

How easy it is to make this a full time job if you choose to share your work with the world. Obsessing over what others might think does seem to get in the way of the art. 

Choosing to share your work does require an amount of courage, because it might not be found worthy by others. However, if there is satisfaction found in the art itself, then it has merit.

Risking giving up the job of Opinion Manager might be worth it after all. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016



One of my New Year's resolutions is to listen to more music. 

As a teenager and young adult I remember the radio blaring as I sang my heart out, changing stations at whim. I was drawn to pop and folk music, but made a temporary crossover to country during the Urban Cowboy days.

However, over time I found myself listening more and more to talk radio, and rarely playing music. I think for me the change began in the 90's when pop music seemed to be taken over by rap. 

Bit by bit I quit listening to current music. 

I became unfamiliar with songs and found myself out of the loop. When I did listen to music, it was usually something from the 70's. 

The thing about music, though, is that it can give you chill bumps, make you cry, or bring back a rush of memories. Nothing else seems to have that effect. 

I'm looking forward to reconnecting with music this year.

Monday, January 4, 2016


Sugar. I've been thinking a lot about sugar lately. It's hard not to, when it seems to be at every turn during the Christmas season. Most of the time I have little difficulty controlling my sugar consumption. In fact, I really seem to prefer the saltier type snacks. But coming off Christmas I find myself sneak eating the Hershey Kisses. What I'm learning is that sugar really does have an addictive quality to it. It seems the more you eat, the more you want. And although, I can't imagine not indulging in sweets every now and then, I'm struggling to say no. I've found for me I do better to just step away from the sweets. I can't really handle eating them in moderation when I'm craving them. I really do feel better when I'm consciously making healthy food choices, and the new year seems to be the perfect motivation to get on track. How are you handling sugar this time of year?

Friday, January 1, 2016

A Creative Life

"A creative life," says Elizabeth Gilbert, author of  Big Magic," is an amplified life. It's a bigger life, a happier life, an expanded life, and a hell of a lot more interesting life." How often in your life have you held back?  How often have you allowed conventions and expectations to set the pace? How often has the word "should" reigned supreme? Have the words "Oh, I could never do that, wear that, or be that person," ever been spoken? But why?  Why do we allow the world around us to determine what is best for us?  Why do we limit ourselves?  What would happen if we allowed more creativity back into our lives?  According to Gilbert our lives would be amplified. The definition of amplified is to make larger, greater, or stronger; to enlarge or extend. I have been guilty many times of living too small a life. I have been guilty of holding back, fearful of the unknown, and too concerned about what others think. As I contemplate a larger life, the possibilities abound. What I do know is that time is limited. Each day I keep myself small and confined I use up some of my time. All the best intentions in the world cannot overcome this inevitable truth. This new year brings with it a fresh start, a clean slate. Why not make your mark on an amplified life?