Thursday, July 26, 2018

Is it Possible?

Is it possible?

Soon after my father passed away I was returning my books to the library, and noticed a dove sitting on the sidewalk between me and the building. I knew how my sister had always talked about cardinals representing loved ones, and since I knew how much Dad loved the library, I couldn't help but wonder if it was him? 

A few months later we moved to the apartments, and I frequently saw doves who always kept me wondering about Dad. They often times would land right outside my patio when I was  reading or just enjoying the day. 

However, when we moved to our house, in our newly constructed neighborhood, I never saw any doves. Except, for on the morning of my birthday when two doves landed outside the kitchen window and sat on the fence for several moments. Chuck noticed them first, and pointed them out to me. We playfully named them Phil and Rita after my mom and dad. 

I wanted to believe that they might have been a little visit from the great beyond, but brushed it off as wishful thinking. The other day, though, I was out in the backyard, and glanced over toward the fence where they had perched. It hit me that I've lived here now for four months, and that was the one and ONLY time I had ever seen doves in this neighborhood. 

I like to think it might HAVE been my parents wishing me a Happy Birthday. 

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