Friday, July 20, 2018

I Almost Didn't Go

I almost didn't go. 

I've written before about how quick I am to dismiss an idea that I might have. Well it happened twice this past week, but I'm so glad I followed through, despite my reservations. 

The first idea had to do with joining a book club. Now as you might remember I have reservations about book clubs because I don't always enjoy the books that are picked. My other dilemma was finding a group that met during the day since many seem to meet only at night. After doing a little research I located one at the North Richland Hills Library, and made plans to attend. 

But in typical Shari fashion I started to back out of going. I wasn't sure if I really wanted to commit to reading a book I didn't enjoy? I wasn't sure how receptive the group might be toward a new member? Luckily, I gathered up my nerve and attended, and I'm so glad I did. 

Although, I had not had an opportunity to actually read the book for this month, I so enjoyed the book discussion. The members were warm, and welcoming, and the level of conversation was thought provoking. I can't wait to go back. The group was a good mix of ages, and included both men and women. 

My second idea had to do with my weekly Weight Watchers meeting. I've been fluctuating in my weight over the summer, and really wasn't looking forward to weighing in anticipating a possible gain. I knew with all my birthday celebrations over the last week or so, the news might not be good. I kept thinking I could just skip a week, and get back on track.

However, I decided to face the music and go. I know I need the accountability, and the motivation. I also knew that the topic for our meeting was a timely one for me. I'm so glad I went. I got to check in with the friends, was encouraged by others who were experiencing the same issues, and learned a little more about sugar. I also happened to have lost a pound so that was just the "icing on the cake."

Sometimes it's easier and safer to just say no, but saying yes to those opportunities that we know will benefit us in the long run is not a bad way to live your life. 

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