Tuesday, July 31, 2018



Okay, I have a confession to make. They say confession is good for the soul, and I'm hoping it might possibly work. 

If you will recall about two years ago Chuck and I began a massive decluttering of our home. Now the dirty little secret was that my closets and attic space were so neatly organized we really had no idea how much stuff we had accumulated over the years-almost thirty to be exact. 

We began the arduous task of decluttering. I promise you we probably made close to ten trips to Goodwill, arranged a Salvation Army pick-up for furniture, and even made a trip to the dump. We probably did get rid of about a third of our possessions.

But if the truth be told, we started bringing things up to our farm for "storage." This was in addition to everything that had already made its way up there. Anytime we replaced a small appliance the old one was taken to the farm. Things became a little tighter up there, and our four car garage was beginning to rival Sanford and Son. 

When we moved from the apartment into our new house there really wasn't any room for most of the farm stuff so it remained in "storage."  That is until we decided to put the farm on the market. The cold, hard reality set in about a month later when it sold. We were going to have to deal with the "stuff" at the farm!

How was it possible that we still had so much? All that talk about minimalism, and decluttering left me realizing that I was a fraud. As much as I had tried, the truth was I had failed miserably. 

So once again, Chuck and I began the process of letting go. Garage sale piles, Goodwill, selling some, giving away, and a few treasures back to our house in the city. It's taken weeks of weekend trips to the farm, but we are making progress. You finally get to the point where saying goodbye to what's left takes very little effort, because you're so glad to be rid of it. 

If YOU are able to cull through, and pare down to a manageable amount of possessions I say hats off to you. You are a rare one, and lucky!

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