Wednesday, July 4, 2018

God Bless America

God Bless America. 

I've suspected something for a while, but yesterday confirmed those suspicions. Apparently my cat, Abby, is a music lover. 

Yesterday after watching a video of two police officers singing God Bless America, I found myself singing the song as well, while cleaning up the breakfast dishes. Sitting contentedly in the dining room was Abby. As I continued to sing I made eye contact with her waiting to see what she would do. 

Sure enough she made her way over to me, and began to rub her head against my shoe, all the while purring. This was not the first time her reaction to my singing resulted in the same action. 

I think she must enjoy my singing, because she doesn't normally rub up against my shoe. Most of the time if she wants to show affection she waits for me to lie down so she can jump up onto my chest. There she stays waiting to be petted. 

As I sang I couldn't help but be reminded of a childhood memory of some movie where someone tamed a roaring lion just by singing. I do enjoy singing, but do not usually sing anywhere but church or my home. I'm wondering if I'm not giving myself enough credit, and might actually have the voice of an angel? I think Abby might agree. 

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