Friday, October 14, 2016

Taking the Next Step

Taking the next step. 

I'm really good about thinking of ideas, but not so good about actually acting upon them. Author of Embrace the Chaos, Bob Miglani, teaches, "Sometimes that initial step is all that is required to set in motion a whole new timeline of events..." 

I am finding this to be true. In a recent post I wrote about focusing on solutions instead of problems. Solutions require action, and this often results in a domino effect. You do one thing, and that leads to another and another. 

Before you know it you may have solved your problem. The initial action doesn't even need to be that earth shattering;  it just needs to happen. However, the actions required might result in some hard work on your part. 

Decisions, emotions and physical labor can leave you worn out. But, the satisfaction of the results can make it all worth it in the long run. Don't allow what has been holding you back to get in the way of that initial step. Set in motion the life you really want to live. 

1 comment:

  1. Ok, ok, I will go clean the bathroom instead of reading your good blog.
