Monday, October 10, 2016



To hoard means to, "amass and hide or store away."  Apparently I have been amassing and storing away way too many things. 

My husband and I decided there was no time like the present to start tackling some of our many closets in an attempt to declutter the house a bit. It didn't take us long, technically a closet or two, until we realized that we had a little problem on our hands. 

You combine eighteen years and a plethora of closets, and you might begin to consider yourself a hoarder. What caught me completely off guard, though, was how neatly and well organized our possessions were, thus giving the illusion of not really having all that much stuff. Boy was I wrong! 

What I'm realizing now is how easily we justify our purchases. When confronted with something new we convince ourselves that our life will never be the same without it.  Compounded with the idea that we might need to use it again will keep something hanging around possibly for years. Even worse is the the beloved collection. What starts out as a fun way to pass a Sunday afternoon becomes hundreds of Pez dispensers, all tucked away in a Rubbermaid tub hidden from view. 

Now they say hindsight is twenty-twenty, and it is apparent that I was completely blinded to the consequences of owning too much stuff. Eventually there will be a day of reckoning. 


  1. How is the purge going? I it possible to do baby-steps at clearing out?

    1. As we started emptying out closets it really became apparent that we had way too much stuff. That gave me more momentum to continue on. I'm afraid if I had taken baby steps I would never have seen how much I needed to purge and would have lost momentum. We've made a lot of progress, but still have more to do. To be honest I was a little ashamed at how much stuff I was holding onto.
