Wednesday, October 26, 2016

First Things

First things. 

Olympic skater Scott Hamilton, who is facing cancer for the third time teaches his students the following: "The first thing I teach my skaters at my skating academy is how to get up because we're going to fall ."

Wow! How hard have I tried not to fall in my life? How many times have I made not falling the main objective? It seems I have put my emphasis on the wrong thing. Instead of spending my time trying not to fall, I should have been practicing how to get up. As my grandson is starting to take his first steps, I'm noticing that part of the process is falling down. Now luckily he is close to the ground, and when it happens he just picks himself up and tries again. 

It seems that falling down is inevitable, it's just built in, a DNA of sorts. But for some reason we have convinced ourselves that it should be avoided at all costs. Scott Hamilton has fallen again, and is facing another fight. However, he knows how to pick himself up and does so with joy. Rather than avoiding the fall, I'm going to practice getting up. 

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