Tuesday, October 4, 2016



Flemish psychiatrist Dirk De Wachter is a proponent for the ordinary. According to Flow magazine he believes, "...we should notice the beauty in everything, ordinary things and be content with things as they are." 

A few weeks ago I traveled to the unbelievably beautiful Lake Tahoe. I had the opportunity to enjoy a spectacular view from the balcony of a magnificent home. The tall pines, deep blue water, crisp air, and the call of the mountain jay made for a memorable experience. 

However, I kept finding myself missing the clear blue skies of home. As remarkable as the view was, I thought about the green pastures and wild flowers that dotted the landscape on the drive up to our farm. The puffy white clouds, and the smart little bluejay I saw on my morning walk had a unique beauty of its own. 

A few days before they had all seemed quite ordinary. At first glance, how could they compare to the beauty of the mountains, and yet to me they were quite special. Perhaps ordinary is really a misnomer, and there really isn't such a thing. Today as I feel the cool breezes of long awaited autumn air, I find my self contented with the ordinary. 


  1. I read this right before your post.http://www.penandhive.com/2016/10/the-power-of-ordinary-days_4.html
    I love when a message is loud and clear.

    1. Thanks for sharing. I'm enjoying your 31 Days.
