Wednesday, October 12, 2016



Well apparently the Japanese have a word for it. Tsundoku-is the condition of acquiring reading material but letting them pile up in one's home without reading them.

This describes me perfectly. It has become especially true over the last few years. Now you would think with all the extra time I have on my hands I'd be doing nothing but reading. However, to be truthful I've basically just been collecting them. 

Not only do I purchase books, but I also make weekly trips to the library. Either way there is no way reading all of them is possible. As time goes by the stack on my nightstand teeters precariously, the books in the living room begin to look like clutter, and I struggle to find more room in the bookcase.  

Therefore, because so few books actually get a second glance, let alone read it really makes no sense to own so many. My solution now is to gather them up and donate them back to the library knowing full well that some other unsuspecting soul will fall prey to tsundoku. 

1 comment:

  1. LOL......The brown truck from UPS is bringing me a book today.
