Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Wabi Sabi- Day 9

Accepting the present is an important premise of Wabi Sabi. Kempton states, “Acceptance is alignment with the truth of the present moment in this present moment, with what is true about your life.”

The lesson being that we cannot control or hold tightly to the status quo. It will always change and will not remain static. We need to enjoy the good in each season of our life, knowing that the hard times will eventually pass. 

As I sit here writing this post I’m enjoying a cool breeze compliments of Mother Nature, and the early September days. While often times in Texas summer extends well into October, we have been given a reprieve this year with an unseasonably cool summer. 

I know, personally that I have no control over any of this, except for my acceptance and choices to spend as much time outdoors as possible. The fresh air, the smell of newly cut grass, and the buzz of the hummingbirds all make for a delightful day. 

I also can’t help, but think about the use of the word alignment. How many people make a regularly scheduled trip to their chiropractor to align their physical body?

Taking the time to align your thoughts with the truth of the changing nature of our world  can certainly result in a more contented life. 

Wabi Sabi encourages us to anchor ourselves in the now whenever stress seems to be taking its toll. Don’t ignore your emotions, and how you are feeling. Rather accept them with the mantra, “Of course, you feel this way.” Allow these emotions to wash away like the ebb and flow of the ocean’s waves. 

Kempton reminds us, “Know that this is just a moment, and soon it will give away to another.”

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