Friday, October 4, 2024

Wabi Sabi- Day 4

 As we delve further into the ideas of Wabi Sabi one thing to consider is the impermanence of beauty. This can easily be found in nature as we watch the leaves change from green to bright red as winter approaches. Of course, in just a matter of weeks those leaves have turned brown, and have fallen to the ground. 

If in our hurry we failed to notice then we have to wait until the next year to experience them again. Sometimes we may have to wait several years before the right combination of elements produces the brightest of reds on those Red Oak trees. 

Impending is the word that describes the inevitable fading of that beauty. Rather than anticipate it with sadness, we should embrace the here and now. Just like the few weeks that my lone Redbud tree blooms I look forward each year to seeing those first blossoms. 

As we define each word, Wabi meaning “the beauty found in simplicity,” and Sabi being “beauty that emerges with the passage of time,” we can begin to grasp how profound this teaching is, and how it can truly enhance our own lives. 

It is important to not lose sight of the idea of, “This meeting,this time only” The reality is that this very moment will never ever be fully replicated. If we are unaware then we have missed out on what that moment had to offer. 

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